MyHospital Terms of Use

The Services (as defined below) are provided to you in consideration for your agreement with, and subject to, the following Terms of Use, which may be updated from time to time without notice to you, along with any additional terms or conditions that are referenced herein or that otherwise may apply to specific portions of the Services or the website(s). Your use of the Services after the Terms of Use have been updated shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of any modifications, additions or deletions to the Terms of Use caused by such update. You must ensure that anyone accessing the Services via your account complies with the Terms of Use. You will always be able to view the most current version of these Terms of Use by clicking on a link at the bottom of any page within the website located at By using the Services, you agree to these Terms of Use, whether or not you have registered with or on the MyHospital phone app. If you do not agree to all of these Terms of Use, do not use the Services.

Scope Of These Terms Of Use

References to "My Hospital", “MyHospital”,  "we", "us" or "our" in these Terms of Use mean MedInfo, Inc., including any company that MedInfo, Inc. controls (for example a subsidiary that it owns).

We provide members with access to a wide array of resources which may be provided to you in a variety of mediums and devices now known or hereinafter developed, including mobile applications. These resources include, without limitation, news, tools and applications, sponsored programming and communication tools, including content licensed from our licensors, such as the American Medical Association (collectively, the "Services").

Our Information

The information that we make available through the Services is intended for physicians, nurses, other healthcare professionals and all staff working in or for hospitals. While we hope you find the Services helpful, you should remember that it is not meant to serve as a substitute for your own clinical judgment as a healthcare professional and you should evaluate and independently verify the information and results from Services we provide. We do not provide professional advice or recommend particular products through our Services. If you are a consumer who chooses to use the information available to you through the Services, you do so at your own risk and you should not rely on that information as professional medical advice or use it to replace any relationship with your physician or other qualified healthcare professional. For medical concerns, including decisions about treatments or where to go to get treatment and where to get treatment, consumers should always consult their physician or, in serious cases, seek immediate assistance from emergency personnel.

MyHospital Group Directory

The MyHospital Group Directory is provided for informational purposes only. You assume full responsibility for the communications with any individual you contact through the MyHospital Group Directory. The database of information which drives the MyHospital Directory does not contain sufficient information with which to verify credentials under the standards of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) of the Utilization Review Accreditation Committee (URAC), and use of the MyHospital Group Directory to verify the credentials of physicians is prohibited. The inclusion of a healthcare professional in the MyHospital Group Directory is not an endorsement of any such healthcare professional by MedInfo, any of its licensors, affiliates or any third party sponsor of any component of the Services.

Proprietary Rights

MedInfo owns all rights to its logos and trademarks used in connection with the Services. All other logos and trademarks used in connection with the Services are the property of their respective owners.

You acknowledge and agree that the Services and information, content and software presented to you through the Services or used in connection with the Services contain proprietary and confidential information that is protected under U.S. and international intellectual property laws, including copyright, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. Except as expressly authorized by us or our licensors, you agree not to sell, rewrite, modify, reproduce, distribute (via the Internet or other public computer based information system), redistribute, create derivative works (including translating), rent or provide any information presented to you through the Services, in whole or in part, to an unauthorized party. Further, you are prohibited from using, downloading, publishing, republishing, transferring, selling, leasing, licensing, duplicating, or "scraping" for commercial or any other purpose any database, in whole or in part, in any medium whatsoever, underlying any of the Services including, without limitation, any of the MyHospital reference tools.

The Services are being provided to you on a non-exclusive, non-transferable basis solely for your internal use in the U.S. You may view information provided through the Services online or download or print individual articles for backup or archival purposes only. All copies of the information provided through the Services must include any trademark or copyright notices or disclaimers, and you may not remove any trademark or copyright notices or disclaimers from our or our licensors' materials. We and our licensors reserve all other rights not granted in these Terms of Use. You agree not to access the Services by any means other than through the interface that is provided by us for use in accessing the Services.

Linking To Us

Usually, we don't mind if you include a simple link from your website to our website(s). However, you must first ask our permission if you intend to frame our website(s) or incorporate all or a portion of our website(s) into a different site or product in such a way that is not clear to the users that we are the source of the content. You are not allowed to link to us if you engage in the publication or promotion of illegal, obscene, or offensive content, or if the link in any way negatively impacts on our reputation.

Passwords And User Restrictions

You may be required to create a website account on, or other MedInfo owned sites in order to access the Services. By creating an account, you represent and warrant that all information that you provide on the registration form is current, complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You agree to maintain and properly update your registration information so that it remains current, complete and accurate. During the registration process, you may be required to choose a password. You acknowledge and agree that MedInfo may rely on this password to identify you. You are responsible for all use of your account, regardless of whether you authorized such access or use, and for ensuring that all use of your account complies fully with the provisions of these Terms of Use. You agree to notify MedInfo immediately of all unauthorized use of your account and if the security or secrecy of your account login information has been compromised. You may be held responsible for any losses incurred by MedInfo or any other user of the Service that are in any way related to your failure to maintain the security of your account information.

By using the Services, you represent that you are 18 years of age or older.

Member Conduct When Using Groups and Communication Services

If you use a group and communication feature of the Services (each, a "Group and Communication Service"), you are responsible for all communications, information, data, text, music, sound, graphics, messages and other material ("Content") that you upload, post, transmit, email or otherwise distribute through a Group and Communication Service. Neither we nor our licensors are responsible for the consequences of the Content posted by you or any other party through a Group and Communication Service, and as such, do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Content. You understand that by using a Group and Communication Service, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive or objectionable. In no event will we be liable in any way for any Content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content uploaded, posted, transmitted, emailed or otherwise made available through a Group and Communication Service. In cases where you feel threatened or believe someone else is in danger, you should contact your local law enforcement agency immediately. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

When you use a Group and Communication Service, you agree not to: 

1. Violate local, state, national, or international laws; 
2. Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute any Content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or on the privacy or publicity rights of others;
3. Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute any Content that is unlawful, harmful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or embarrassing to any other person or entity as we may determine in our sole discretion; 
4. Harm minors in any way;
5. Post advertisements or solicitations of business;
6. Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through a Group and Communication Service;
7. Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute chain letters, pyramid schemes, unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or spam;
8. Impersonate another person or business entity or stalk or otherwise harass another person;
9. Post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute viruses or other harmful computer code designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the use of any computer software or hardware;
10. Harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses;
11. Allow any other person or entity to use your identification for posting or viewing comments;
12. Interfere with or disrupt a Group and Communication Service or computers, networks or other hardware connected to a Group and Communication Service, or disregard any requirements or policies of networks connected to a Group and Communication Service; 
13. Engage in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying a Group and Communication Service, or which, in our sole judgment, exposes us or our licensors, customers or suppliers to any liability or detriment of any type; 
14. Fail to respect other members' privacy. This includes revealing another member's password, phone number, address, or any other personally identifiable information;
15. Create member names, or post, solicit or send messages, text or photographs that are sexually explicit, that denigrate, threaten, abuse or harm others in any way.

We may (but are not obligated to) do any or all of the following without notice: 

1. Record or pre-screen the dialogue through a Group and Communication Service; 
2. Investigate an allegation that a communication does not conform to the terms of this section and determine in our sole discretion to remove or request the removal of the Content; 
3. Remove Content which is abusive, objectionable, illegal, or disruptive, or that otherwise fails to conform with these Terms of Use; 
4. Terminate your access to any or all Group and Communication Services upon our determination that you have violated these Terms of Use; or 
5. Edit Content. 

You agree that you must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such Content. You acknowledge, consent and agree that we may investigate your use of a Group and Communication Service in order to determine whether a violation of the Terms of Use has occurred or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, governmental request or legal process.

You agree and acknowledge that the processing and transmission of a Group and Communication Service, including your Content, may involve transmissions over various networks and devices and modifications may be required for such transmissions.

Information That You Provide To The Services

When you submit information to areas of the Services that are publicly available, you give us an irrevocable, perpetual license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display that information in connection with the Services. We will consider requests to remove information that you make publicly available through the Services on an individual basis (contact us at the email address we provide at the end of this document). See our Privacy Policy section below for an explanation of how we use information that you provide to the Services and your rights to change or delete it. We ask that you not post any messages with misleading, false, or inappropriate language or statements. We reserve the right to remove any Content that we deem offensive or fraudulent at any time without your consent, as further described below. We cannot and do not assume any responsibility or liability for any information you submit in connection with the Services, or your or third parties' use or misuse of information transmitted or received using the Services.

General Practices Regarding Use And Storage

You acknowledge that MedInfo may establish general practices and limits concerning use of the Services, including without limitation the maximum number of days that messages, postings or other uploaded Content will be retained by the Services, the maximum number of messages that may be sent from or received by an account on the Services, the maximum size of any message that may be sent from or received by an account on the Services, the maximum disk space that will be allotted on MedInfos' servers on your behalf, and the maximum number of times (and the maximum duration for which) you may access the Services in a given period of time. You agree that MedInfo has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any messages and other communications or other Content maintained or transmitted by the Services. You acknowledge that MedInfo reserves the right to modify these general practices and limits from time to time.

You expressly agree that MedInfo may preserve any transmittal or communication by you through the Services, or any service offered through the Services, and may disclose that information if legally required to do so or if MedInfo determines that the disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce these Terms of Use or to protect any rights hereunder or to respond to claims of wrongdoing by others. Please visit our Privacy Policy for our complete policy on what information we collect, how we may use that information and when we share it.

Subscriber Agreement

This Subscriber Agreement (this "Agreement") governs your use of all digital subscription products and services from MedInfo, unless other terms and conditions expressly govern. 

If you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you should check the box indicating your agreement to the terms of this Agreement on the registration page for the Service. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, you should not check the box but you will not be able to proceed with the registration process for the respective Service and become a subscriber. To the extent you have access to, or are using, a Service without having completed our registration process, you are hereby notified that your continued use of a Service is subject to many of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 

Changes to Subscriber Agreement

We may change the terms of this Agreement at any time by notifying you of the change in writing or electronically (including without limitation, by email or by posting a notice on the Service that the terms have been "updated" or similar words). The changes also will appear in this document, which you can access at any time by going to the Subscriber Agreement section in Terms of Use link at the footer of those Services which are made available through a website or to the Legal or Legal Notices area of those Services which are made available as an application. By using a Service after changes are made to this Agreement you signify that you agree to be bound by such changes.

Subscription Fees and Payments

You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase a subscription to the Services or any other content, product, or service offered by us through the Services. You agree to pay the subscription fees and any other charges incurred in connection with your account for a Service (including any applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. If your subscription includes access to areas containing group or premium services, your access to such areas may be subject to additional fees, terms and conditions, which will be separately disclosed in such areas. Unless you have paid by check, we will bill all charges automatically to your credit card. Subscription fees will be billed at the beginning of your subscription or any renewal. Generally, all fees and charges are non-refundable but please visit our refund policy for more details. We reserve the right to issue refunds or credits at our sole discretion. If we do issue a refund or credit, we are under no obligation to issue the same or similar refund in the future. We may change the fees and charges then in effect, or add new fees or charges, by giving you notice in advance and an opportunity to cancel. If you want to use a different credit card or you need to update your credit card details, please do so via your My Account page to make changes. If you believe someone has accessed a Service using your user name and password without your authorization, please immediately notify us by calling Customer Service at 1-888-243-2498. You are responsible for any fees or charges incurred to access a Service through an Internet access provider or other Third Party service.

Term, Cancellation and Renewal

This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect while you use the Services. Unless you have paid by check, your subscription will renew automatically until it is cancelled in accordance with this Section. For annual subscriptions, we will notify you of the pending renewal of your subscription at least 30 days prior to the date your subscription renews, except as otherwise required by law. For all subscriptions, you must cancel your subscription before it renews in order to avoid billing of subscription fees for the renewal term to your credit card unless you pay by check. We may cancel your subscription at any time upon notice to you. You may cancel your subscription by contacting Customer Service or canceling the subscription service under the My Account page. We reserve the right to change these policies at any time and you should refer to them frequently to ensure you are aware of current policies.

Contact us with any questions: